Tuesday, October 27, 2009

THe truth about Forever(33-50)

Last week I started The truth about forever by Sarah Dessen. I haven't had that much free time to read so I'm not as far as i'd like to be in this reading. But when i left off Macy's mum, who is a real-estate agent, was having people over to look at plans for dream homes. Every thing's going great and then the catering service gets out of hand. They are lacking waiters and the food is not cooking as planned. Also, one of the girls is very clumsy and keeps dropping the food on the ground and causing commotion. That crazy night is finally over and she is trying to get to sleep but keeps thinking about her father and the first day of work she has ahead of her.

I was starting my job at the library the next day, and I had the night-before-the-first-day-
of-school feeling, all jumpy and nervous. But then again, I'd never been much of a sleeper. That was the weird thing about that morning when my dad came in to get me. I'd been out. Sound asleep.(page 40)

I can relate very much so to Macy when she says she has "the night-before-the-first-day-of- school feeling" because I get that all the time. Wether it's the night before the first day of school or the night before something big and exciting I get that feeling. I feel anxious and excited yet nervous for what lies ahead. Then in the second half of the quote it talks about how she couldn't get out of bed that one morning. I find that so ironic. I would feel so bad if I was in her situation because maybe if she would have gotten out of bed she could have saved her father. But then i guess she does blame herself, yet I would have to convince myself that I couldn't save him because I don't know how I could live feeling that I could have saved my father.

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